Best of Breed, Group and Best of Show Winners Internationally
Please do not Advertise! I don't want my competitors to know what I use!"
Please keep this product out of your dogs reach as we have had many a phone call, "My dog ate the whole thing!"
We all know that judging dogs is a subjective opinion based on what the judge "feels" at the time of the evaluation. Once a judge has run their hands through and over the coat of a dog that has been supplemented with ICF their initial shock of how luxurious and healthy it feels, registers greatly in their minds. They remember that dog!
One pound of ICF yields approx. 160 teaspoons. The product is vegetable based and concentrated so that you only need to use a little to achieve the desired results.
One pound of product will last one 60 - 80 pound dog approx 80 days!
Alfalfa, Biotin, Bone Marrow, Brewers Yeast, Choline, Flax, Iron, Kelp, Linoleic Acids, Mananese, Magnesium, Nucleic, Acids, Octacosanol, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Phosphorus, Riboflavin, Selenium, Thiamine, Trace Mineral Complex, Wheat Germ, Zinc
Over the years dogs on ICF have won Best in show at Westminister, numerous National Specialty winners in all different breeds. There have also been Top Breed and Group ranked winners. If you see a dog with a great coat ask the owner what their "secret" is.